Postcode of permanent home address(PERMADDPOSTCODE)

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Postcode of permanent home address
Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All EntryProfile entities where EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM.

This field records the postcode of the Student's permanent home address on entry to the Engagement.

Note that for funding allocations OfS, HEFCW and WG-DfES can only use data that includes both the outward and inward parts of the postcode.

If a postcode is not known, ZZ99 9ZZ should be returned.

If the full postcode is not known, the outward part of the postcode can be returned. It is expected that in most cases a full postcode will be provided.

High-levels of unknown values will raise a validation issue.

All postcodes should be returned using upper-case letters, for example GL50 3DA.

A typical postcode such as GL50 3DA would be coded with a blank in the fifth character position. A postcode such as B1 6SR would have a blank in position 3. The part of the postcode before the space is known as the outward part of the postcode and can be 2, 3 or 4 characters long. The part of the postcode after the space is known as the inward part of the postcode and is a fixed length of 3 characters. The space between the outward and inward parts of the postcode must always be shown as part of the postcode.

Where the student's permanent home address on entry to their Engagement is in the UK or Channel Islands, a postcode must be returned. This field should collect the postcode the student lived in for non-educational purposes before starting their Engagement.

In the event that a full postcode is not known, providers must return at least the outward part. This is essential for allowing HESA to do geographical analysis

Reason Required
To monitor student participation by local area including for widening participation Performance Indicators, to allow estimates of local student populations for monitoring migration and travel to study patterns, to calculate widening access and retention funding allocations in Wales.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Revision HistoryNo Revision History entries for this collection.