Module count(MODCOUNT)

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Module count
Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To

All ModuleInstance entities at providers in Wales

Records whether the Module is countable under HEFCW rules.

A module undertaken by a student should be coded as countable unless it fits the HEFCW rules not to be counted. This will be where:

  • Modules are optional or elective
  • Modules have been counted in the past. For example, where a student is repeating a module that was completed in a previous year and has progressed to a subsequent year of the course, the module would not be countable.

The purpose of collecting this information is to ensure that no more than the maximum number of credit values per student on a course, as set out in HEFCWs definitions, is counted in the determination of the number of credit values for funding purposes. Full guidance can be found on HEFCWs data collection webpages.

If providers have difficulty in identifying modules which should not be counted, then they should contact HEFCW. This is likely to be where it is not possible to determine if modules have already been counted, for example, due to module identifiers changing or modules being taken some time in the past. APEL modules (coded ModuleInstance.APEL = 01 or 02) should be considered countable unless they fit the criteria to not be counted above.

A module should not be considered to be not countable simply because it is taken by an enrolment that is not fundable by HEFCW. Although credit value information for non-fundable students is not collected by HEFCW, the student enrolment is collected and so any associated modules should be considered countable, unless they fit the criteria above.

Reason Required
To identify course structures, to identify countable credit values in analysis to support funding allocation.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
01Module not countable
02Module is countable
Revision HistoryNo Revision History entries for this collection.