Module outcome(MODULEOUTCOME)

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Module outcome
Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All ModuleInstances where ModuleInstance.MODINSTENDDATE exists.

Records if the Student completed the Module in accordance with relevant funding rules.

01 'Completion' is defined by the relevant regulatory or funding body. For providers in England this includes the requirements that the student either took the final module assessment or passed it.

02 'Partial completion' is to be used by Welsh providers only and is defined by HEFCW. This should only be used for Module outcomes associated with full-time taught Courses

03 'Student did not complete module' includes cases where the student withdrew from the Module or transferred from this Module to another.

04 'Module taken on a not-for-credit basis' should be used for a student who takes optional modules on a not for credit basis in addition to compulsory modules for their course.

05 'Module result not yet known' should be used where the student has completed the module, but their result is not yet known, this may be, for example, if the module has a late sitting exam board. For modules where the ModuleInstance.MODULERESULT field is required to be returned, the return of 05 in MODULEOUTCOME indicates that these fields cannot yet be completed.

06 'Will continue Module in subsequent Student course session' should be used where the student has not completed the Module but has not failed to complete and is intending to complete this in a future StudentCourseSession. This may be, for example, where a Module spans two StudentCourseSessions. The return of this valid entry will mean that the ModuleInstance.MODULERESULT field is not required and support FTE derivations by indicating that the Module.FTE is not being wholly undertaken in the current StudentCourseSession.

96 'Not coded' must not be used by providers in Wales. Providers in England are encouraged to complete the module outcome information, rather than using code 96.

Reason Required
To allow monitoring of completion, used in the calculation of module completion rates.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
02Partial completion (HEFCW HESES Rules)
03Student did not complete module
04Module taken on a not-for-credit basis
05Module result not yet known
06Will continue Module in a subsequent Student course session
96Not coded
Revision History
Coding Manual VersionElement VersionNotes entry 'Not coded' has been updated to code 96 to be consistent with HESA's approach to 99 codes.