
Navigation: Index / Data Dictionary / Student / ETHNIC



Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All Students at providers in England where EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM or where Course.TTCID = 01.

All Students at providers in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM.

Must not be returned for Students outside the stated coverage.

This field records the ethnicity of the Student, on the basis of their own self-assessment

This data must be updated throughout a Student's Engagement where applicable.

Ethnicity is recorded on the basis of the student's own self assessment.

UCAS/HESA coding

The coding frame used by UCAS is as listed below, with the exclusion of codes 117 White - White Scottish, 118 Any other White background and 114 White - Gypsy/Roma/Traveller.

Northern Ireland and Scotland

It is expected by DfE(NI) and the SFC that providers in Northern Ireland and Scotland will re-code from the UCAS subset to the full HESA coding frame. This will require providers in Northern Ireland and Scotland to survey students for ethnicity on registration. Code 113 'White', although not a Census code available in Scotland, has been left as a valid entry as UCAS will be passing this code to providers. It has been agreed with the SFC that to minimise the recoding burden on higher education providers (HEPs), this code may be submitted by providers in Scotland.

097 must be returned where the Student has indicated that they do not know the information.

099 must be returned where the data is not known by the provider.

Reason Required
To monitor equal opportunities issues in the higher education sector and support higher education providers (HEPs) in meeting their obligations under the Equality Act 2010
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
100Asian - Bangladeshi or Bangladeshi British
101Asian - Chinese or Chinese British
102Asian - Filipino
103Asian - Indian or Indian British
104Asian - Pakistani or Pakistani British
119Any other Asian background
120Black - African or African British
121Black - Caribbean or Caribbean British
139Any other Black background
140Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Asian or Asian British
141Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Black African or Black African British
142Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Black Caribbean or Black Caribbean British
159Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background
160White - English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish or British
161White - English, Welsh, Northern Irish or British
162White - British, Irish, Northern Irish, English, Scottish or Welsh
163White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
164White - Gypsy or Traveller
165White - Irish Traveller
166White - Irish
167White - Polish
168White - Roma
169White - Scottish
170White - Showman / Showwoman
179Any other White background
899Any other ethnic background
997Not known
998Prefer not to say
999Not available
Revision History
Coding Manual VersionElement VersionNotes Entry changes have been made following conversations with Statutory Customers regarding personal characteristics data.