Primarily outside the UK(PRINONUK)

Navigation: Index / Data Dictionary / StudyLocation / PRINONUK



Primarily outside the UK
Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All StudyLocations where applicable.

This field records where students who will spend the majority of their Engagement outside the UK are currently outside the UK.

Some students are mainly studying outside the UK throughout their Engagement but are returned in the Student record as they will spend more than 8 weeks in the UK during their Engagement.

For those students:

  • Their time outside the UK is reported using StudyLocation.PRINONUK and StudentCourseSession.STUDYABROAD. No OffVenueActivity is returned for this time.
  • Their time in the UK is reported in the same way as any other student

An OffVenueActivity entity would be returned for these students if they undertook a placement in the UK but is not required to record the time they spend outside the UK.

This field must only be used for students who will be mainly studying outside the UK throughout their Engagement. For students mainly studying in the UK who spend time outside the UK this field must not be returned. Please see the locations data flowchart in the Further guidance on returning Venues and StudyLocation document for further information about how to return different activity.

Further guidance on returning Venues and Study Locations

  • If a student will be outside the UK for the majority of their Engagement:
  • Their time outside the UK is reported using StudyLocation.PRINONUK (unless they are a non-UK distance learner who is funded) and StudentCourseSession.STUDYABROAD. No OffVenueActivity is returned for this time.
  • Their time in the UK is reported in the same way as any other student.

Funded learners outside the UK 

There are a small number of students (normally distance learning students) studying outside the UK, who are required to be returned - e.g. Crown servants overseas and the British Armed Forces. For these students, PRINONUK should not be returned. 

For the purpose of this field, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man are classified as outside the UK.

For further information and examples, please see the Further guidance on returning Venues and StudyLocations document.

Reason Required
To record where students are mainly studying outside the UK, to remove these students from certain populations such as Graduate Outcomes and the Standard Registration Population.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
01Primarily outside the UK
Revision History
Coding Manual VersionElement VersionNotes further guidance on returning venues and study locations