Student financial support (StudentFinancialSupport)

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Student financial support
Short Name
This entity records where a student has been in receipt of a named financial support type.
Uniquely Identified By
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

An entity is required for each instance of financial support awarded to a student


A StudentFinancialSupport entity must be returned for all awards of the financial support types listed in StudentFinancialSupport.FINSUPTYPE.

The StudentFinancialSupport entity is associated with the StudentCourseSession in which the student received the financial support.

StudentCourseSessions can be associated with more than one StudentFinancialSupport. For example, a student in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance may also be in receipt of book vouchers.

If the Student has more than one award of the same type, then only one StudentFinancialSupport entity needs to be returned.

Applicable to English providers:

Where a FINSUPTYPE is part of the commitments detailed in the provider’s Access and Participation Plan (APP) APPSPEND should be used to flag this.

Quality Rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason Required
To monitor the take-up of various types of financial support, to collect data for Office for Students to assist in understanding of the role that bursaries and other support play in student experience and on the likelihood of continuing studies, to monitor take up of Disabled Students' allowance.
Minimum Occurrences0
Maximum Occurrences
Child Fields
Revision History
Coding Manual VersionElement VersionNotes reduce the burden on providers guidance has been added so that, if some part of a FINSUPTYPE supports an APP commitment, APPSPEND should be returned. Providers do not have to apportion an individual FINSUPTYPE between that which is contributing to an APP commitment and that that is not.