Venue (Venue)

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Short Name
This entity records details of the provider or partners Venue
Uniquely Identified By
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All Venues


This entity records details of the provider or a partners Venue so that this can be associated with StudentCourseSessions via the StudyLocation entity.

This therefore allows the recording of the geographical location that a student is at as well as the organisation delivering learning at that location.

Venues outside the UK are not required to be returned.

Providers in England

A separate Venue should be returned if 25 or more students are studying at the Venue and it is at least 1km away from another location. In exceptional circumstances Venues that are over 1km a part may not need to be separately identified, if for example they are advertised as one and students frequently move between the two locations.

Occasionally it may be appropriate to return campuses with fewer students, provided these are geographically distinct and separately marketed to students.

Providers in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

A separate Venue should be returned if a significant number of students, for example 25 or more, are studying on a Venue that is in a different city/town.

Occasionally it may be appropriate to return campuses with fewer students, provided these are geographically distinct and separately marketed to students.

Quality Rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason Required
To record the geographical locations of students for funding allocations, Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) metrics and regional profiles to identify cold spots for certain subjects areas and monitor student migration by subject area. To record the organisations delivering learning at these locations.
Minimum Occurrences0
Maximum Occurrences
Child Fields
Revision HistoryNo Revision History entries for this collection.