
Navigation: Index / Data Dictionary / Course / SANDWICH



Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All Courses where applicable

This field records where the Course has the option of a sandwich placement.

Where a course offers a sandwich placement this field should be returned, whether the sandwich placement is mandatory or optional.

If the course does not offer any kind of sandwich placement it is not expected that this field would be reported.

It is not necessarily the case that all students associated with a Course with this field returned will complete the sandwich placement. Therefore, where a course has an optional sandwich placement, one Course can be returned, and the students who complete the placement will be recorded at the StudentCourseSession level.

This field should be completed using the definition of sandwich used by the relevant funding body or regulator and set out in student support regulations. Years of study must involve a minimum of 24 weeks of study.

01 'Thick sandwich' should be returned where the course has the option of a sandwich placement where an industrial (or other) placement causes a continuous absence from full-time study of at least one academic year.

02 'Thin sandwich' should be returned where the course has the option for placements that do not cause a continuous absence from full-time study of at least one year of the course, but the cumulative total of placements undertaken is 30 weeks or longer.

03 'Option of thick or thin sandwich' should be returned where the course has the option of a sandwich element, but students have the option of completing a thick or thin sandwich.

04 ‘Other sandwich’ should be returned where the course has the option of a sandwich placement, but it does not meet the definition to be recorded as thick or thin (valid entries 01 or 02). 

Such as:

  • Courses that have the option of a sandwich placement, but the years do not involve 24 weeks of study.
  • Where students still meet the definition of being on a sandwich course, but study less than 21 hours a week for 24 weeks study/placement.
  • For part-time students who meet the definition of sandwich.
Reason Required
To identify courses where there is the option of a sandwich placement.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
01Thick sandwich
02Thin sandwich
03Option of thick or thin sandwich
04Other sandwich
Revision History