Parental education(PARED)

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Parental education
Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All EntryProfile entities at Approved (fee cap) providers in England where (EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM) and (Qualification.QUALCAT starts with H, I, J or C or is M0002, M0016 or M0018 excluding H0009 and H0010), except where Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE exists or (SessionStatus.STATUSCHANGEDTO = 02 for the entire reference period) or (Leaver.ENGENDDATE - Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE <= 14 days and RSNENGEND = 03, 05, 11, 12).

All EntryProfiles entities at providers in Northern Ireland where EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM and the Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE for the Engagement is after 2008-07-31.

All EntryProfile entities at providers in Scotland where (EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY =XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM) and (Qualification.QUALCAT = M0002, H0003, H0004, H0005, I0001, J0000, J0001, J0002, J0003, C0000, C0001) and StudentCourseSession.INTERCALATION does not equal 01 and the Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE for the Engagement is after 2007-07-31, except where Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE exists or (Leaver.ENGENDDATE - Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE <= 14 days and RSNENGEND = 03, 05, 11, 12) or (CourseInitiative.COURSEINITID = 027 or StudentInitiative.STUINITID = 027 or 030).

All EntryProfiles entities at providers in Wales where (EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM) and (Qualification.QUALCAT with H, I, J or C or is M0002) and the Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE for the Engagement is after 2008-07-31, except where Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE exists or (SessionStatus.STATUSCHANGEDTO = 02 for the entire reference period) or (Leaver.ENGENDDATE - Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE <= 14 days and RSNENGEND = 03, 05, 11, 12).

This field must not be returned outside of coverage.

This field records information about whether a student's parents have higher education qualifications.

This data is required at entry to a student's engagement and is not required to be maintained throughout a student's Engagement.

For providers in England this is required for any students where the Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE after:

  • 2007-07-31 where the provider previously submitted to the Student record
  • 2020-07-31 where the provider previously submitted to the Student Alternative record

Currently this question is asked on the UCAS application form and the data for UCAS entrants is provided to providers by UCAS. Providers will still need to collect this information directly from relevant non-UCAS entrants.

Suggested question:

The following question is about your parents' level of education. This includes natural parents, adoptive parents, step-parents or guardians who have brought you up.

Do any of your parents (as defined above) have any higher education qualifications, such as a degree, diploma or certificate of higher education?

03 this information is supplied to providers via UCAS and indicates when this information has not been given by the student in the UCAS Apply questionnaire.

97 would be returned where the student has indicated that they do not know the information.

99 must be returned where the data is not known by the provider for non-UCAS entrants.

Reason Required
This data will allow monitoring of another aspect of widening participation and may be used for the production of performance indicators.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
03No response given
97Not known
98Prefer not to say
99Not available
Revision History