Intended destination(INTENDEDDESTINATION)

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Intended destination
Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All Leaver entities where Leaver.RSNENGEND = 12

This field records the provider which a leaver is intending to transfer to when they are transferring out as part of a sequential collaboration arrangement for doctoral research training. This is the provider who will be required to submit the student to HESA following the transfer.

The UKPRN of the provider the leaver is transferring to as part of a sequential collaboration arrangement for doctoral research training must be returned here.

This field would be completed in combination with Leaver.ENGENDDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND = 12.

The UKPRN returned must be a provider who is required to return the HESA Student record as they will need to return this student to HESA from the point they transferred.

Where a student transfers to a provider outside of the constituency for the HESA Student record, the reporting provider must assume the position of lead provider and continue to return to HESA the students activity on the doctoral research training programme taking place at the other organisation.

The organisation(s) supervising the student is returned in the SupervisorAllocation entity.

Reason Required
To track the intended destination of doctoral research students transferring between providers, to allow continuity to be monitored when these students transfer between providers.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Revision History