
Navigation: Index / Data Dictionary / Student / ETHNIC



Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All Students at providers in England where (EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM or where Course.TTCID = 01) except where Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE exists or (SessionStatus.STATUSCHANGEDTO = 02 for the entire reference period) or (Leaver.ENGENDDATE - Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE <= 14 days and RSNENGEND = 03, 05, 11, 12).

All Students at providers in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM except where Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE exists or (SessionStatus.STATUSCHANGEDTO = 02 for the entire reference period) or (Leaver.ENGENDDATE - Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE <= 14 days and RSNENGEND = 03, 05, 11, 12).

Must not be returned for students outside the stated coverage.

This field records the ethnicity of the student, on the basis of their own self-assessment.

Continuing students should be asked this question every year, and the data must be updated throughout a student's Engagement where applicable.

The data is recorded on the basis of the student’s own self-assessment.

899 Other ethnic background: this code should be used when a student declares their ethnicity as something not included in the coding frame.

997 Not known: this code should be used when the student themselves does not know this information. For example, this may be the case for individuals who were adopted.

998 Prefer not to say: this code should be used when the student does not wish to declare this information.

999 Not available: this code should be used when the provider is unable to obtain the data in order to submit it to HESA. Note that this option should not be presented to students explicitly.

The coverages of the valid entries have been aligned with the census in each country and are shown in the table below.

Suggested question for providers in England, Northern Ireland, and Wales: ‘What is your ethnicity or ethnic group?’

Suggested question for providers in Scotland: ‘What is your ethnic group or background?’

For students entering through UCAS this information will be available from UCAS via the *J transaction, however the legacy codes from 2021/22 will be supplied instead and there is no direct mapping to the 2022/23 codes. Providers are expected to survey students against the new coding frames each year. The details of the coding that will be provided by UCAS can be found in the *J specification.

Providers in Northern Ireland and Scotland will not be able to obtain all of the required information from the UCAS *J file and will need to survey students for ethnicity on registration.

100Asian - Bangladeshi or Bangladeshi BritishYYYY
101Asian - Chinese or Chinese BritishYYYY
102Asian - Filipino   Y
103Asian - Indian or Indian BritishYYYY
104Asian - Pakistani or Pakistani BritishYYYY
119Any other Asian backgroundYYYY
120Black - African or African BritishYYYY
121Black - Caribbean or Caribbean BritishYYYY
139Any other Black backgroundYYYY
140Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Asian or Asian BritishYYYY
141Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Black African or Black African BritishYYYY
142Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Black Caribbean or Black Caribbean BritishYYYY
159Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic backgroundYYYY
160White - English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish or BritishY Y 
161White - English, Welsh, Northern Irish or British Y  
162White - British, Irish, Northern Irish, English, Scottish or Welsh   Y
163White - Gypsy or Irish TravellerY Y 
164White - Gypsy or Traveller Y  
165White - Irish Traveller   Y
166White - IrishYYY 
167White - Polish Y Y
168White - RomaYYYY
169White - Scottish Y  
170White - Showman / Showwoman Y  
179Any other White backgroundYYYY
899Any other ethnic backgroundYYYY
997Not knownYYYY
998Prefer not to sayYYYY
999Not availableYYYY
Reason Required
To monitor equal opportunities issues in the higher education sector and support higher education providers (HEPs) in meeting their obligations under the Equality Act 2010.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
100Asian - Bangladeshi or Bangladeshi British
101Asian - Chinese or Chinese British
102Asian - Filipino
103Asian - Indian or Indian British
104Asian - Pakistani or Pakistani British
119Any other Asian background
120Black - African or African British
121Black - Caribbean or Caribbean British
139Any other Black background
140Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Asian or Asian British
141Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Black African or Black African British
142Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White or White British and Black Caribbean or Black Caribbean British
159Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background
160White - English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish or British
161White - English, Welsh, Northern Irish or British
162White - British, Irish, Northern Irish, English, Scottish or Welsh
163White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
164White - Gypsy or Traveller
165White - Irish Traveller
166White - Irish
167White - Polish
168White - Roma
169White - Scottish
170White - Showman / Showwoman
179Any other White background
899Any other ethnic background
997Not known
998Prefer not to say
999Not available
Revision History