Gender identity(GENDERID)

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Gender identity
Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To
England Northern Ireland Wales

All Students at providers in England, Northern Ireland and Wales except where (Leaver.ENGENDDATE - Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE <= 14 days and RSNENGEND = 03, 05, 11, 12).

This field records the gender identity of the student. Students should, according to their own self-assessment, indicate if their gender identity is the same as the gender originally assigned to them at birth.

Continuing students should be asked this question every year, and the data must be updated throughout a student's Engagement where applicable.

The data is recorded on the basis of the student’s own self-assessment.

This question should be asked alongside the sex identifier question.

The valid entries have been aligned with the census in each country.

Suggested question: ‘Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?’

98 Prefer not to say: this code should be used when the student does not wish to declare this information.

99 Not available: this code should be used when the provider is unable to obtain the data in order to submit it to HESA. Note that this option should not be presented to students explicitly.

Reason Required
To monitor equal opportunities issues in the higher education sector and support higher education providers (HEPs) in meeting their obligations under the Equality Act 2010 through a deeper understanding of the barriers and outcomes of students from a wide range of groups protected by the Act.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
98Prefer not to say
99Not available
Revision History