Service leaver(SERLEAVE)

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Service leaver
Short Name
Parent Entity
Applicable To

Compulsory for all Students at providers in Scotland where EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XH and Qualification.QUALCAT starts with H, I, J or C or is M0002, M0016 or M0018, except where (Leaver.ENGENDDATE - Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE <= 14 days and RSNENGEND = 03, 05, 11, 12) or (CourseInitiative.COURSEINITID = 027 or StudentInitiative.STUINITID = 027 or 030).

Optional for all Students at providers in Scotland where EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XH and (Qualification.QUALCAT starts with E or M excluding M0002, M0016 or M0018), except where (Leaver.ENGENDDATE - Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE <= 14 days and RSNENGEND = 03, 05, 11, 12) or (CourseInitiative.COURSEINITID = 027 or StudentInitiative.STUINITID = 027 or 030).

This field records whether the student is a service leaver, according to the relevant body's definition.

99 must be returned where the data is not known by the provider.

The Scottish Funding Council definition should be used by providers in Scotland:

"A service leaver is anyone who has served for at least one day in Her Majesty's Armed Forces (regular and reserve) or Merchant Mariners who have seen duty on military operations."

This data should be updated throughout a Student's Engagement where applicable.

Reason Required
To monitor the participation and retention of veterans at Scottish HEPs. This is to be used to monitor progress in the Scottish Government's ambition to see improvements in the education opportunities and outcomes for veterans.
Field Length
Quality RulesQuality Rules to follow
Minimum Occurrence
Maximum Occurrence
Primary Key?
Valid Values
CodeCoding Frame Label
01Scottish Funding Council defined service leaver
02Not a service leaver
98Prefer not to say
99Not available
Revision History