Data Migration

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Version 1.5 Produced 2022-02-15

Data migration in Data Futures refers to the translation of legacy data submitted against the CXX051/54 collections into the Data Futures data model. The data migration activity will allow quality assurance checks to be run against the first Data Futures collection in 2022/23, against data submitted by providers. This activity will mean there can be an amount of replication across continuity and credibility checks, which we are doing to ensure an appropriate degree of quality assurance as we move from legacy to the Data Futures. Clearly the models are different both at the field level as well as high level concepts so it is important that we implement the migration as accurately as possible to ensure robust quality assurance can be undertaken.

• We will only migrate data that will be used either directly or to support transition year quality assurance.
• We will only use migrated data for quality assurance where the migration process is deemed robust enough to do this.
• We will provide a migrated dataset to each submitting provider along with a detailed migration specification to support understanding of this data for the transition year submission/quality assurance process.
• We will work with providers to develop the migration specification to ensure it is fit for purpose.

Migrated data schema for 21056.


  1. Migration Summary
  2. Derived field - Expected End Date
  3. Derived field - Non-Standard
  4. Derived field - Short Course
  5. Migration Population
  6. Student
  7. Engagement
  8. StudentCourseSession
  9. SessionStatus
  10. DerivedSubject
  11. ModuleInstance
  12. CurriculumAccreditation
  13. QualificationAwarded
  14. AwardingBodyRole

For more information regarding Legacy to Data Futures mapping please view the Forward Mapping page.

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